All Flights stopped from Germany to UK and South Africa

German authorities on Sunday issued an emergency order to ban all fights between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom as of immediately. This was also expanded for flights from Germany to South Africa.

German based aircrafts currently in the UK are allowed to fly back. Cargo flights can continue to operate between the two countries.

This is due to a new more and 70% more dangerous strain of the COVID-19 virus detected in the United Kingdom, and not yet in Germany.

The extreme measure number  LF 10/6194.1/1-10,  to protect Germany was signed by Johann Friedrich Colsman, head of the Aviation Department for the Federal Republic of Germany .

Many other EU countries have similar emergency regulations in place. Also EUROSTAR is no longer operating at this time.

German health minister Jens Spahn said the new virus type has not yet shown in Germany, but it’s important to keep it like this. Also flights between Germany and DSouth Africa are cancelled as of midnight Sunday

Die Einreisebeschränkung auch für Südafrika sollen dann am Montag über eine Kabinettsabstimmung im Umlaufverfahren auf den Weg gebracht werden.

This regulation is in place until December 31, 2020

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